I found three enticing properties this morning that all had one thing in common. Each ad is organized the same way. All three have nice pictures, the same post structure and were posted all around the same time. This could go one of two ways. The first theory is that all three properties are listed with the same professional service. If that is the case, they should really disclose who they are. The second theory is that these are scams. Does anyone know anything about these properties? It would be great to know if I need to add yet another post to the Craigslist scam list.


CONFIMRED. These are scams. Thanks to EBDC readers! Pass this on to others to they don’t fall into this credit scam trap.


$1450 / 1br – Wonderful Capitol Hill Apartment with Hardwood Floors (Capitol Hil)

$1795 / 1br – Elegant English Basement in a renovated turn of the century home (Capitol Hil)

$2650 / 2br – Custom renovated rowhome with a large living room (Truxton Circle)

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